Saturday, May 22, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend and other holidays

Just a reminder that Memorial Day weekend is around the corner.  Here at our church we focus on Heaven with the congregational songs and specials.  A patriotic offertory or special is also welcomed by the veterans, but July 4 is just around the corner so you may want to save those specials for then.
One of the staff men reads a listing of all of the members and loved ones of members who have passed away while we play "In the Sweet By and By" or "How Beautiful Heaven Must Be".
Fourth of July actually falls on Sunday this  year so pull out all of the stops and be ready for everything to be red, white, blue, and patriotic.  To me, we could be patriotic year around.  Patriotic songs need to be practiced and "dusted off" to be ready so it's probably time to get started!
I have posted a few patriotic songs on the "Song of the Day" blog.  I need to get busy myself!
After July 4th, it's time to start planning for Christmas, yes, it's hard to believe but you have to have it planned and look at it now and then with the groups and choir.
The main difference between "normal" service and a holiday service is the music.  We musicians have a job of setting the atmosphere with the preludes, specials, congregational songs, and offertories.  I've found that our clothing is even a part of it, since we're sitting up front most of the time!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Mrs. Martha Duckett

(pictured: Becky Duckett Lyons, Mrs. Martha Duckett, Amy Ducket Robinsin, Emily Robinson)

She doesn't make a splash or demand attention, she is just always there filling her role.  I think of her as my "big sister" and neighbor.  Mrs. Martha Duckett has always just been WILLING to be used.  I can't say enough about her willing and helpful spirit.  We've sort of grown up together raising our families, carpooling, and teaching each other's children.  She's just someone you can count on.  The one thing that is really outstanding about her is that she is a very talented singer, not a haughty person or pushy about her voice, but a servant of the Lord.
Today, she sang a solo, one of my favorites..."As We Sail to Heaven's Shore".   This song went straight to the heart and it will be with me for several days or weeks.
I just wanted to talk about Mrs. Duckett, she's a blessing in every way and she is my example.  I love you Mrs. Duckett.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Texas Baptist College Graduation 2010

Well, another year has passed and another Texas Baptist College graduation has gone by.  I keep telling my students that I started college in 1983 and haven't got to leave!
Things were purposefully changed for graduation this year:

  • the ceremony was held in the Elaine Howie dining hall - totally transformed for the evening
  • the ceremony was its own, not a part of the regular Wednesday night Bible study
  • teens and adults only, R.S.V.P.
  • each graduate was given an opportunity to address the audience
Because of the difference of the setting and protocol, the chorale wanted to put a lot of extra effort into the music to help set the atmosphere.  It was not a regular church service and was treated more formally, but we didn't want for the service to be "stuffy" or uncomfortable.  The music program began at 6:30 p.m.
  • string trio - Mrs. Lyons, Miss Jordan, and Miss Fernan - they did a tremendous job playing for 30 minutes
  • TBC Chorale chose three songs with the theme of "Jesus"
    • "Jesus, the One and Only"
    • "Jesus it the Joy of My Salvation"
    • "O, I Want to Know You More"
  • Pastor's sermon - "You Are Short One Hour" (Mt. 26:40) was applicable to ALL who attended
When your songs are about Jesus you can never go wrong!  Praise the Lord, hearts were uplifted and blessed.   I want our graduates to keep those songs in their hearts and memories!

I always feel very hopeful for each of the graduates, especially when I see them walk down the aisle during the processional.  As I watched them throughout the evening with their friends and family and saw the sparkle in their eyes - I have more than hope, I have confidence that they have a good start for success in their Christian lives!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Key of "E"

I imagine you thought this lesson would help you play in the key of E major - sorry, the only thing I can tell you that helped me is to think backwards - everything is a black key except for B and E!  This lesson is about words that begin with the letter "E". 
Being a musician can leave you lonely.  It's just the nature of the occupation - you have to practice and you do this alone most of the time.  When it's time to practice with others,  it's work time and there's not much time for caring and sharing.  When you're lonely, you can become discouraged or even feel invisible.  There's not a feeling like playing or singing for the Lord with your favorite group in a full auditorium, but you will still be the last person to leave the church after late night rehearsal.  You have to be your own best cheerleader!  (I used to be a cheerleader way back when - ha!)  I also love lessons with the points with the same first letter.  This is the last lecture I teach to the Church Music Administration Class at Texas Baptist College.

"The Key of "E"..."

1.    "Endure" - II Timothy 4:5 - But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.
2.    "Encourage Yourself" - I Samuel 30:6 - And David was greatly distressed; for the people spake of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and for his daughters: but David encouraged himself in the LORD his God.
3.     "Excite yourself and others"  - II Corinthians 9:2 - For I know the forwardness of your mind, for which I boast of you to them of Macedonia, that Achaia was ready a year ago; and your zeal hath provoked very many.
4.     "Educate Yourself" -  Psalm 25:4,5 - Show me thy waysO LORDteach me thy paths
      Lead me in thy truthand teach mefor thou art the God of my salvation
5.     "Economize" - II Kings 4 - (the story of the widow at Zarephath)
6.     "Efficiency" - Exodus 4:2 - And the LORD said unto him, What is that in thine hand? And he said, A rod.
7.     "Energize" - Jeremiah 20:9 - Then I said, I will not make mention of him, nor speak any more in his name. But his word was in mine heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I was weary with forbearing, and I could not stay.
8.     "Educate" - I Chronicles 25:5 - All these were the sons of Heman the king’s seer in the words of God, to lift up the horn. And God gave to Heman fourteen sons and three daughters. 6All these were under the hands of their father for song in the house of the LORD, with cymbals, psalteries, and harps, for the service of the house of God, according to the king’s order to Asaph, Jeduthun, and Heman. 7So the number of them, with their brethren that were instructed in the songs of the LORD, even all that were cunning, was two hundred fourscore and eight.
9.     "Enlist" - I Chronicles 16:23 - Sing unto the LORD, all the earth; show forth from day to day his salvation. 24Declare his glory among the heathen; his marvellous works among all nations.
" -    "Express Gratitude Often" - Romans 13:6 - For for this cause pay ye tribute also: for they are God’s ministers, attending continually upon this very thing.  Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour. 8Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law.
" -    "Enjoy the Moment" - James 4:13 - Go to now, ye that say, To day or to morrow we will go into such a city, and continue there a year, and buy and sell, and get gain: 14Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away. 15For that ye ought to say, If the Lord will, we shall live, and do this, or that. 
12   "Eliminate" - Hebrews 12:1 - Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,

Monday, May 10, 2010

Peer Pressure and Performance

(Photo: Miss Annie Roche', Texas Baptist College Music Major, freshman - playing "How Great Thou Art", arr. M. Ham)

Right before the Longview Baptist Temple Spring Recital - "Ladies, make sure you wear a modest outfit, no short skirts, loose, and no sandals please!"
Wow! What a difference from the world.  I don't compare "apples to oranges" on a regular basis but I want to address a feeling that God's pianists may face at some point in their journey.  Several times in the past years I have been invited to concerto recitals, graduation recitals, etc... of students who have chosen a different path.  I'm not judging their choice, it's up to them and more power to them.  The thing I can't let it do is affect my path.
In the world, musical talent is the only criteria.  Treatment of others, godly character, morals, church attendance is not what they're about.  The Christian school students who lack in their devotion to God may sometimes end up on a stage with a standing ovation.  Our goal as Christians should be to glorify God.  Music is just one area where we can do this. We should glorify God in the way we treat our families and others, the way we conduct ourselves, the way we treat God's church, and the way we obey God's commands.
If you are a dedicated, godly musician, who loves God with all of your heart, and seeks to please Him, I would like to give you a "standing ovation", a "rave review", a "front page article".  I've had to work through feelings of failure, inadequacy, jealousy, and sheer amazement - I'm human, okay? ha!  Finally, at one point I realized that my rewards are not here, if this is a spiritual job, I'll have spiritual rewards, not earthly ones.
If you've ever felt this way, I hope this helps.  If not, you're doing great! or maybe you haven't crossed this bridge yet.  Whenever peer pressure or performance pressure strikes, go to the Lord.  You don't want your piano playing or music to be about your ability, but about His ability!

I Corinthians 9:24 - Know ye not that they which run in a race run allbut one 
receiveth the prize
So runthat ye may obtain25And every man that striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things
Now they do it to obtain a 
corruptible crownbut we an incorruptible

Saturday, May 8, 2010

How'd you do that?

Photo - Mrs. Amy Robinson (teacher) with Alyssa (student)

Experienced musicians have heard this..."How'd you do that?", "God gave you that talent, wish I had some!"  To tell you the truth, it used to bother me.  No matter what your instrument or musical ability, you didn't just wake up one morning able to do what you do.

Vocalists have to WORK at their skills.  Organists have to WORK  at their skills.  Pianists have to WORK at their skills.  Yes, I agree that God has given us the ability and opportunity to LEARN and for that I am very grateful.  I also believe He gave me a desire to do what He wants for me to do for His will in my life.

Would you like to be a "gifted" musician?  I'll give you a "recipe" that I know for sure works for most pianists and musicians who want to improve their skills.

1. Clarify your objective. "It's something I've always wanted to do" is too general.  "I've got to learn how to play this song for the nursing home" is a definite and purposeful goal.  "My Lord deserves the best and I'm going to learn to play for His church" is a more refined goal.
2. Listen.  You cannot rely on what is printed on a page to get the sound you want.  You have to listen to other pianists who are playing the way you want to play.  If you play just what is on the page you may have a tendency to sound like "someone put a nickel in you".  I'm not saying to change the notes, but to pay attention to phrasing, dynamics, expression, and the message of the song.  Play with a passion to get the message of the song across, not just to be accurate, loud, or fast.  Recommended: Rudy Atwood, Marilynn Ham, Shelley Hamilton, Mike Zachary, Amy Robinson, LaShannon Hyder, Alicia de la Rocha, Bradley Kirkpatrick.
3. Feel the music.  Singing does not begin in your mouth, it starts way down deep in your soul, your mind, and then your diaphragm, etc... Piano playing does not start in your fingers, wrists, or elbows, it starts in your soul, your mind, your bones, your muscles, etc... It is an all-over, all-consuming process.  Public speaking, sports, etc.. are the same way.  The best put "all" into it.  If you are stiff, heartless, and tend to be "dry", try listening to great music and doing jumping jacks along with it! Ha! Sounds dumb, but you'll catch it.  My dad used to put on "The Nutcracker" LP and watch us go! It has to be all-consuming and felt throughout your spirit, soul, and body. I Thes. 5:13.
4. Make it a spiritual activity.  Music does not belong to you, just like nature does not belong to you.  It is God's gift to us.  It is a way to express our beings.  Think of it as spiritual and you won't neglect your practice as quickly.  No "labour is in vain" in the Lord.  I want to receive a reward for my music, so I give it to the Lord at every level - practice, practice, practice, performance, and praise.  If you think of it as "vanity" you'll give it up as a sin, it is not a "vain" thing if you approach it as a spiritual activity.  Read I Chronicles 25.
5. Practice scales, minor third arpeggios, Hanon, Czerny, Mozart, Chopin, and Bach on a regular basis.  These "tools" are not the end, they are the "polishers" of technique, expression, and attack.
6. Play the hymnal from cover to cover on a regular basis.
7. Do something different in each hymn on Sunday and Wednesday.  Try at least one new "add-in", "run", or "fill-in".  If it doesn't work, oops, if it does, great!
8. Play in the dark.  Work at playing some songs "by ear".  Every pianist needs to know "Happy Birthday", "Amazing Grace", "Jesus Loves Me", kids' choruses, and "Just As I Am".  I used to turn off the lights and ask my husband to call out song titles, then I'd try to play them!  It brings back many laughable memories.
9. Buy new music.  Save your money, go to the music store and buy something to inspire you to work  harder.  If you hear someone play a song you like, go buy it and learn it yourself.  My mom would always take me to buy music we heard on Sunday and I'd go home and learn it by Wednesday!
10. Pray and depend upon the Holy Spirit.  Each time you sit at a keyboard: Thank the Lord for the opportunity, ask Him to give you strength, tell Him you're depending upon Him, and play for Him.

These points are just the start.  I hope they help a little.  Let me know if you have a suggestion or would like more of these types of pointers.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

The Best Laid Plans

Tonight was a real "juggling" act.  Like a novice, I scheduled two new specials for the Sunday after our Big Day with our Ladies' Banquet this week!  So, I had to ask DeAnna to practice for the ladies' banquet in the fellowship hall.  I had the men's quartet practicing for a new song right after the Bible study and the Men's ensemble waiting in the hallway for the next rehearsal.
After a few tries at our newest quartet song, a brave group member said, "We need a few more weeks and a couple more hundred times singing this song before we're ready!"  So, I conceded.  "Let's do an old one!"  We felt like a failure for about ten seconds, then we felt better about the whole decision.
The next group came in.  "We're singing a new song this Sunday night!"  Well, after a few runs, we were ready!  Praise the Lord.  One plan may come through!
No matter how you practice, plan, or schedule, the end result is the Lord's doing.  We can't take the credit for what He does and we can't always blame ourselves for the way a course may change.  I used to beat myself up after every service that didn't go as I planned.  Well, I was a mess!
We can only do what is in our power, then pray and allow God to do His work.  It's easy to look at every other church's music and think, "I wish I had theirs..."  Take it from me, we all have our own shares of blessings and burdens, and it is assigned to us by the Lord.
Praise the Lord for the opportunity to help and try to be a blessing!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Spring 2010 Big Day

(Pictured above: Christina Medford, 11th grade)
It's here and gone!  The Big Day!  It's almost midnight and I'm sitting here remembering the great and full day that has passed.  It started with rehearsals before Sunday School.  Then the Big Day of the campaign for the 11th and 12th grade Sunday school class.  We handed out prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place and then each lady with perfect attendance was given a bracelet.  Our lesson was "Our God is Right about the Treatment of Others."  That is a great one for teen ladies and us adults, too!
After Sunday School there was another rehearsal, choir rehearsal, and then the morning service.
Voice of Triumph sang "In Majesty He Will Come" and Mrs. Kelly Gray sang "Jesus is Precious."  Tonight, Strength and Beauty Ensemble sang "Old Time Meeting" and "The Secret Place."  Bro. Joe Koenig played a guitar solo - "I'm Going Home" - beautiful!!!   I know that the musicians make things look easy, but it is not and I appreciate all of the hard work and study the members put into it.
Not only did we have a great day of music, but there were a lot of people saved and baptized.  Pastor preached on "It is Happening to Everyone" and "Yea, yea, Nay, Nay".    Flip Smiley also made a guest appearance for the game show - what fun!!!
We may have a tendency to take a great church for granted, or to nit-pick at flaws, but I'm choosing to look at the whole picture.  People were helped, God was glorified, and I got to be there!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

28th Annual Recital

Our recital theme this year was "Homecoming Revival" and all of the students played hymns and gospel songs.  We really enjoyed being able to know the words to each piece.  The students will also play their songs at our Homecoming Revival for preludes, postludes, and during dinner times.
I appreciated the parents and guests who attended.  It can become tense at times, but it encouraged the kids and teachers!  I did have to help a few students who were a little "down" on themselves afterwards and I let them know that I felt the same way during a few of my recitals.
During the week before each recital I always promise myself that I will never do this again...  Not a very great attitude, I guess.  I feel the nerves and fear of each student, plus my own and the other teachers.  I guess this is the time when I'm supposed to trust the Lord!  It can be easy to become "weary in well doing", but we can't stop because we are doing well when we teach our children to learn and perform the Lord's music.

I Chronicles 25:5 All these were the sons of Heman the king’s seer in the words of Godto lift up the hornAnd God gave to Heman fourteen sons and three daughters6All these were under the hands of their father for song in the house of the LORDwith cymbalspsalteriesand harpsfor the service of the house of Godaccording to the king’s order to AsaphJeduthun,and Heman7So the number of themwith their brethren that were instructed in the songs of the LORDeven all that were cunningwas two hundred fourscore and eight.

Special thanks to Mrs. Amy Robinson, Miss DeAnna Gray, Miss Suzanna Jordan, and Mrs. Martha Duckett.  Mr. Russell Lewis was unable to attend due to a concert, but his students did a fine job playing their hymns.