Thursday, February 2, 2012

Praise the Lord in 2012

Did you have any resolutions for the new year?  Of course I have the standing ones: lose weight, be a better soul winner, lose more weight, be a better aunt to my nieces and nephews, lose weight, and be a better mom, wife, grandmother, mother-in-law and daughter.
Sometimes as musicians our resolutions might look like this: practice more, improve technique, start umpteen more music groups, practice more, buy more, more, more, more, etc...
For years I have had the same resolutions: practice more, improve more, start more, do more - but God doesn't want  just "more", He wants me.   If we do our singing, practicing, playing, and serving directly for the Lord it eliminates a lot of distractions and frustrations.  Of course, we want to please our pastor and music director but that will even come more easily when we keep our focus on serving Him.
My heart's theme for this year is "Praise the Lord".  We're working on finding at least one new or archived song for each group that comes right out and praises the Lord.  I believe that we are created for fellowship with God and praise is the starting point for our walk with Him.
The word "praise" and "praises" occurs over two-hundred times in the Bible.  We are told to praise the Lord dozens of times but this is sometimes the last concern we have, even as Christian musicians.
II Chronicles 20:21 - And when he had consulted with the peoplehe appointed singers unto the LORD,and that should praise the beauty of holinessas they went out before the armyand to sayPraise the LORDfor his mercy endureth for ever22And when they began to sing and to praise,the LORD set ambushments against the children of AmmonMoaband mount Seirwhich were come against Judahand they were smitten.
When the musicians sang and praised the Lord then the Lord won the battle for them.  Songs can preach, teach, admonish, comfort, and convict but they should also praise.  When we praise the Lord He is pleased; it is for Him.  How exciting that we can do something for His glory alone.  We become a smaller part of the picture and His power and glory is primary.   That is when He does the work we cannot do.  
Here are some songs that are great for praising our great God:
To God Be the Glory
Glory To His Name
Blessed Be the Name
Praise Him!
Praise the Lord! (He can work through those who praise Him..)
I Was Made to Praise the Lord
Worthy of Worship
Bow the Knee
Almighty, Unchangeable God
All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name
He Is the King of Kings
Lord of All
Jesus, Lord to Me
The Praise Song
That's Him
No Wonder We Call Him Our Saviour

Now's a great time to practice for what we'll be doing in Heaven - praising the Lord!