Monday, August 9, 2010

"The Domino Effect"

We have often heard and spoken of the value of just one soul.   That's what our focus as a Christian should be - to reach just one more soul.  This morning John and Amy Robinson sang a beautiful song - "Reach Just One More Soul", written by Amy.  It hit the mark as does all of the songs that they write and sing together.
You can also use this point of view in the your music ministry - each soul that you have the honor to work with is so valuable.  If you take just one person out of your music ministry for one weekend it can change the whole program and your options.  Three weeks ago Travis and Ruth Smith were on vacation. What did that mean?  It meant that the Men of Victory Quartet could not sing and that we would need another song leader for the auditorium Sunday School class.  If I would have wanted to schedule Voice of Triumph Ensemble or the Faith Trio, that would not have worked.  This is all because one family was out of town.  The same thing can happen on any given week with any given musician out of town - that is the domino effect.
The music ministry is unlike the Sunday school and bus ministry, where workers can be replaced at the last minute or the assistant teacher or bus captain can step into a position.  Musicians work together and have to practice a song for hours before they can be ready.  So when one is out or sick, the group is usually not functional.
I have learned the value of one musician when four families are out of town and the second solo spot needs to be filled.  When I call the "one" and they agree to sing, I am grateful and know their value - irreplaceable!
When scheduling, dealing with people, and choosing music for musicians treat each one with special value.  Pray for each musician every week and express your gratitude regularly.  Birthday cards, thank you notes, and letters are thoughtful ways to make each person feel that they are valued.
When I think of musicians that have come through our church, I hope that they have fond memories of participating in the music ministry of the Longview Baptist Temple.  I also hope that every one that is currently involved in special music knows that they are special and are doing a great work.
Recognize the value of "one" and God will take care of the big picture!