Friday, March 26, 2010

Not on my "To Do" List

I am a planner. Not the ordinary type of planner, but the detailed, failure if I don't get it done kind of planner. I remember planning out my life at age sixteen. Yes, I would have a college degree by 22, be engaged by age 22, married by 23, a mother by 24, a homeowner by 25, a 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th child, a fancy home owner by 35, etc... What a riot! Did I reach any of these goals, one or two by the grace of God.
Today, I am 46 years old. I have been married to a wonderful man for almost 29 years. Am I disappointed that my life doesn't match my plan. No, I'm not. Part of my plan meant that I would have an empty nest within the next five years. Well, my mom has lived with us for six years, she's 82 and will probably live to be 90 or more. My son-in-law joined the Air Force and my daughter is living with us until her apartment opens up next month, my 23-year-old daughter is still with us. She's teaching school and is a Type 1 diabetic, not safe for her to live alone. Plus, I have a ten-year-old daughter - the joy of my life. The Lord must know that I do well in a group setting!
Knowing how I try to plan the music department at our church, and it never really works, I should learn the same about my life. Every time I go to church I have a plan and I also have peace because I know if that plan doesn't work it's God's will that it be changed...why can't I do that about my life, my husband's, and my children's lives! I believe my new word needs to be "Peace" - I need to trust God's ways so much that I have indescribable peace...

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with you - my life has not at all gone according to any of the "plans" I had for it either. But by God's grace I'm married and have been blessed to move to Florida and be the music coordinator for Bro. Gaston at the Southshore Baptist Church. Peter and i bought our first home this past summer. We have both been teaching at a Christian School and love it. We also just got Percy, a kitten, whom we love very much. I need to also trust God and have that peace that passeth all understanding.
