Thursday, September 29, 2011

"Enthusiastic Service"

Psalm 100
A Psalm of praise.
1      Make a joyful noise unto the LORDall ye lands.
2      Serve the LORD with gladnesscome before his presencewith singing.

"Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm!"  Ralph Waldo Emerson
“Success is going from failure to failure without lack of enthusiasm.” – Winston Churchill

Wherever you are in your service for the Lord, whether you're on your first year or in your golden years of service keep your ENTHUSIASM!

This fall in the music ministry the Lord has blessed with a fresh breeze of enthusiasm!  Maybe it's my perception or just anticipation of our Homecoming Revival, either way, I enjoy enthusiastic service for God.  :)
What difference does enthusiasm make?
1. Anticipation instead of dread...
2. Enjoyment instead of drudgery...
3. Productivity instead of boredom...
4. Faithful service instead of hit and miss half-hearted attendance...
5. A smile and a lilt instead of stiff jaw and slow-paced entrance
6. Whole-hearted singing instead of mechanical, dead singing
7. A "let's sing" attitude instead of "let's put it off" attitude

We all go through times that are tough emotionally and physically, but that should not take away all of our enthusiasm in every area of our lives.  We can create an oasis of joyful service for the Lord when you walk into the doors of your church, practice area, bus, Sunday school classroom, etc...
I have the great privilege of working with some of the most enthusiastic young people I have ever met.  I can't afford to set the wrong example by dragging into a rehearsal or classroom. I have to realize the gift of working with these young people is priceless.  This fuels my enthusiasm.
Enthusiasm comes from looking at something at a different angle.  It's a perception problem.  
If you are always totally enthusiastic, Praise the Lord!  If you need a little help in this area and you realize it, that's a great first step toward enthusiastic, joyful, glad service for our Lord.

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