To quit? or not to quit? To disband a group or not to disband? These are some questions that can come to mind in the music ministry. When there are years of investment in an ensemble or group and a repertoire sheet as big as a phone book you shouldn't throw it into the garbage pile in a quick reflex of the moment.
Sometimes we want to make a quick decision to eliminate a singing group based on three months of bad feelings or anger. If a group has worked well for ten years, that's 520 weeks of good. I have learned that we can put a group on "hold"for a personality conflict or spiritual adjustment time just like we do when there's a physical illness. Our God is a problem-solving God, not a trasher. Evil things should be thrown out but not our Christian brothers and sisters. Maybe the group needs a fresh start with a different rehearsal time, new songs, and a new pianist. There are lots of options to be explored.
We have several groups at our church that have been together for twenty-plus years. Don't you think there have been times when we wanted to "hammer the nails into the coffin" and put them in the ground? Yes! Nothing went right for several months: rehearsals with low attendance, or none, outfit problems, sickness, even death. Humanly there is nothing we can do to quickly fix a problem. It takes time, patience, and God's wisdom and power. Just check the group's file into "rehab" and let the Lord do His work!
When problems arise and God irons them out, they are permanent press as far as He's concerned. The problem is that we have memories like elephants when it comes to other people not measuring up to our expectations, or we react quickly to one or two negative personalities surrounding us. It helps to have a great spirit and attitude when doing anything for the Lord Jesus. Expecting perfection, though, is not realistic. I have group members skip to practice, walk to practice, and some drag to practice - but I'm thankful for them all. Every person has a bad day, let them have one or two, or how many it takes to get right. To be willing to be faithful to church, tithe, go soul winning, follow the dress code, and come to rehearsals is a BIG DEAL! Be thankful for those attributes. Maybe they don't like your song selections, keep trying and be positive. Pray and ask God for wisdom. Thank each group member as they come to rehearsal and as they leave rehearsal, before they sing and after they sing, whenever!
Yes "tribulation worketh patience", which we all will eventually have... Let's learn as much as we can from each trial so the tribulation will ease up a little! Don't holler "UNCLE" too soon!
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