It's Sunday afternoon and we've just finished our every-other-Sunday roast beef dinner, minus mashed potatoes, just not the same - but the diet prevailed today. Mom went out with her Young at Heart S.S. Class, so it was just us five. We had a wonderful time and conversation - I treasure those times.
Church was great! Starting with Sunday School - I had twelve out of fourteen come to class today - what a blessing! We had a great time. We're getting ready for the Spring Campaign - "Let's Make a Deal" is the theme for our department.
The sermon was about serving the Lord in the spirit of newness, not the letter of the law - what a contrast. Jessica, Victoria, and I sang a new song for us - "It is God That Gives the Increase". We changed the last line to "while the precious seed is sown". Of course, since it was new, our church members sat stunned. Hard to sing when people are concentrating so hard.... Mrs. Duckett and her daughter, Amy Robinson sang, "The Saviour is Waiting", another new song for this generation. It turned out beautifully. The choir did "The Lord is My Shepherd" from Ron and Shelley Hamilton's "Worship Song" book. Although it is a calm one, it is still so heart touching. Nicole Koehn and Connie Vazquez played "And Can It Be?" and did a wonderful job. We are so blessed to be able to go to church, participate, and know we're coming home with a blessing.
Well, I may need to rest a few minutes to get my energy up for tonight. Choir rehearsal, men's choir rehearsal, church, meetings, TBC meeting, another rehearsal, and Easter rehearsal....God is good!
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