Thursday, December 22, 2011

Christmas Communication

"You have so many Christmas cards!"  I have heard this several times as guests enter my home and see the card display on the foyer wall.  I sometimes take for granted the friends God has given to me because of the great church and ministry where I serve.  The music ministry connects people.  It forges friendships of a lifetime because of the common goal of serving the Lord.
I was never a great talker as a child so Mom thought that piano lessons would help me with my shyness and lack of people skills. The ability of playing the piano opened so many other doors for me to work with some of the greatest people in the musicians.  Friendships, wonderful memories, and life lessons have been learned at each rehearsal, church service, and performance time.
Christmas time especially brings these people to mind.  Musicians from the present and past have always made this time special with meaning.

Men's Chorus - "O Holy Night"
Jo Hovind - piano/organ duet, "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen"
Paul Duckett, Jr. - solo with trumpet, "O Holy Child"
LBT Choir - "Messiah Medley" with Dr. Duckett singing the "Hallelujah Chorus" alone
Paul and Martha Ducket - duet, "No Room"
Alvin Martinez/Dr. Paul Duckett, Sr. - "How Great Thou Art"
Joy Trio - "Lion of Judah"
Victory Trio - "What Child is This?"
Myself playing "The First Noel" as a sixth grader in Miss Beverly Rainey's class
Men's Quartet - "O Come Emmanuel"
Teen Ladies' Ensemble - "Happy Birthday, Jesus"
Amy Robinson - piano/organ duet - "O Come All Ye Faithful"
Voice of Triumph - "Underneath the Tree"
Ladies' Ensemble - "One Small Child"
Teen Ladies' Quintet - "Gesu Bambino"
Teen Choir - "Wise Men Still Seek Him"

These are just a few of musical memories I have each Christmas.  People from the past also are remembered as our Christmas cards are exchanged.  It is such a blessing to receive photo cards of young married couples, who were once my students, serving the Lord with their own families.
I hope you take some time during this holiday time to thank the Lord for family, friends, and special memories of serving the Lord.
Merry Christmas and a blessed and happy 2012 to You!